Tour of Studio Ghibli |
4. Third Floor and Roof
Stairs to the third
Art Department:
Art department occupies most of the third floor. This is a very
quiet and tension-filled room.
Character Merchandising Department: Ghibli co-develops merchandises of its characters with manufacturers. Many Ghibli character goods are stored in this room.
Japanese room: A room with Tatami. It is used by female employees to take a break. Chiropractic sessions were conducted here twice a week during the time "Mononoke Hime" was made.
There is a garden on the roof,
designed by Miyazaki's son. Staff members take a break here, and
it also contributes to save energy and cut the air conditioning
cost. A corner of the garden is reserved as
"untouchable" so that weeds can grow freely. .
Miyazaki bought a replica of
Triceratops skull fossil and placed it in the roof garden.