Subject: SHERLOCK HOUND Videotape Availability! (8/20/93) Forked: Mon, 09 Sep 1996 22:51:00 PDT [split from another file] Edited/Updated: Fri, 20 Aug 1993 16:17:28 EST [edited by Steven Feldman] Original-Date: Sat, 15 May 1993 11:29:27 PDT [general information] Original-Date: Sat, 15 May 1993 11:43:26 PDT [shipping charges added] From: Hayao Miyazaki Discussion Group Really-From: Robert Plamondon Subject: SHERLOCK HOUND ON TAPE -- Full Info, this time Contrary to popular rumor, the SHERLOCK HOUND video tapes (Miyazaki's FAMOUS DETECTIVE HOLMES series competently dubbed into English) are not defunct. Furthermore, the series is available on high-quality tapes, not just the disgusting extended-play versions that people have been saddled with. Celebrity Home Entertainment still exists and is taking orders (there were rumors that it was gone). Note that CHE's main business is a line of porno(!) movies: their animated line is called "Just for Kids." The product line has some other Japanese stuff in it: a Captain Harlock movie (Vengence of the Space Pirate), the full set of Gamera movies (a Godzilla-like flame-throwing turtle), and a bunch of Japanese anime I don't recognize. Just for Kids Home Video/Celebrity Home Entertainment PO Box 4112 Woodland Hills CA 91365-4112 (818) 595-0666 FAX: (818) 716-0168 They sent me a catalog, a price list, and an order form, and each one had a different address. The phone number's right, though. 1. There are TWO versions of each title -- the EP version for low-brow home use, and the SP version for rental shops. The EP versions are 30-60 minutes and blurry; the SP versions are *120* minutes and clear! I already have a partial set of the SP tapes, so I can vouch for their (not bad) picture quality. 2. Similarly, there are two catalogs. The white catalog is the consumer catalog. Ask for the other catalog (I don't have it yet). 3. The guy on the phone was pretty flexible on price: When I bought a full set of 5, the price was $14.99 each. ($75 for the set -- less than a single video from Japan!) 4. I ordered the tapes yesterday, so I don't have them yet. I will give more reports if anything interesting happens. The salesman was apologetic about the amazing amount of confusion using the same titles for two different tapes caused -- they did it to skimp on the number of different boxes they had to produce, and assumed their two markets didn't overlap. They were wrong. Here are the titles and part numbers for the SP versions. Make sure you use the numbers, or explain very clearly you want the "rental versions" when you order. SHORT-PLAY TAPES, 2 HRS LONG 3080 Tales of Mystery 3087 The Dogs of Bowserville 3108 The White Cliffs of Rover 3143 Moriarity Unleashed 3164 Dr. Watson, I Presume And here are the titles and part numbers for the EP (a/k/a SLP) versions, for comparison's sake (and to make absolutely sure you don't wind up with the wrong tapes). EXTENDED-PLAY TAPES (Quality is quite poor. Not recommended.) 6044 *The Dogs of Bowerville, 60 minutes 6063 *The White Cliffs of Rover, 60 minutes 6095 *Moriarity Unleashed, 60 minutes 8017 White Silver Getaway, 30 minutes 8018 Disappearance of the Royal Horse, 30 minutes * No relation to the SP tape of the same name -- just a cheap way of using the same four-color box twice, by printing different part #s over pre-printed boxes. #3080, "Tales of Mystery" is the best tape -- it has the Blue Carbuncle, the Air Post, and the Counterfeit Coin episodes (and others, too). The others are all good, too (well, I don't have "Dr. Watson" or "Moriarity Unleashed" yet, but the others are all good). I would strongly recommend getting at least "Tales of Mystery." (You'll pay more than $14.99 if you just buy one tape, unless you're a good haggler.) To quote the order form: "CANADA: Money order in U.S. Dollars, VISA or MasterCard accepted. Sorry, we cannot ship to other foreign countries. SHIPPING Charges US CANADA $3.50, 1-2 1-3 tapes, $9.00 $4.00, 3-4 4-6 tapes, $13.50 $4.50, 5-6 7-9 tapes, $18.00 $5.00, 7 up 10-12 tapes, $21.00" -- Robert ========================================================================= This information courtesy of the Hayao Miyazaki Discussion Group . To subscribe, send e-mail to and make the message read "subscribe nausicaa YourFirstName YourLastName"