[Ghibli-announce] [Laputa-announce] Laputa theater release?/Hisaishi redoing Laputa music.

Ryoko Toyama (ryokot@rocketmail.com)
Sun, 25 Apr 1999 02:10:24 -0700 (PDT)

Message-ID: <19990425091024.10421.rocketmail@attach1.rocketmail.com>
Date: Sun, 25 Apr 1999 02:10:24 -0700 (PDT)
From: Ryoko Toyama <ryokot@rocketmail.com>
Subject: [Ghibli-announce] [Laputa-announce] Laputa theater release?/Hisaishi redoing Laputa music.
To: laputa-announce@nausicaa.net

Joe Hisaishi is currently working on the music of "Laputa". Disney is now
*considering* to theater release Laputa in the US. According to Hisaishi's
official web site (http://www.joehisaishi.com/), Disney told him that Laputa
will be released in "theaters and on video in year 2000".(Please note: there
has been no official announcement from Disney, yet.)

To "update and upgrade" the music to make it more suitable for theatrical
release, Disney has asked Hisaishi to redo the music of "Laputa". 

His official web page now carry the production diary about his works on
Laputa. The diary is in Japanese, but the unofficail English translation is
available at http://www.nausicaa.net/miyazaki/laputa/music.html.

According to the Diary, Hisaishi is coming to Seattle in early May to do the
orchestra recording with Seattle Symphony.

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