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Press Kit SectionsThe Components of an Anime Press KitEach anime press kit will be a unique package designed to accomplish a specific task, whether it be to inform, to promote or to rebut. However, it has been determined that there are certain features that must be part of an anime press kit's "skeleton" in order for it to present a professional, generalized approach to anime and anime fandom. In this manner a press kit can be written without ignoring other aspects of anime and anime fandom.Each section is described in general below; it is meant to be a basic structure for anime fan organizations to follow when writing their own press kits. Accompanying each entry is a brief explanation for the presence of the component. Depending on the focus of the press kit, some sections may be de-emphasized in order to draw stronger attention to other sections. However, no section should be ignored. Introduction - Informs the reader of the purpose of the press kit and its general content, and states the goal of the press kit and how it will be achieved. It also gives the background on the fan organization that is authoring it. This section allows the reader to quickly understand what is being read, and to assess for himself/herself what this kit is all about. Greetings From the Organizer - A short introduction from a specific person of the author organization, whether it be a club President, committee chairman, or one of the kit's writers. This is the section in which the personal feelings and motivations can be expressed on behalf of the organization. It can summarize the information presented in the introduction, with emphasis on the topics the organization thinks should be stressed. History of Anime - This can be brief or extensive, depending on the focus of the particular press kit. However, it should contain some details concerning the origins of the medium, its development and factors contributing to anime's evolution to its current range of genres and types. A comparison between Japanese Animation and the domestic variety can also be made, for example comparing art styles, quality of the animation, quality of the story, etc. This section helps to separate anime from the stereotype cartoons, as well as provide critical background on its differences from the domestic fare. History of Anime Fandom - Another essential section, describing the fan-based movement behind anime. The evolution of clubs and conventions, the proliferation of anime on the internet, and its increasing presence of anime in the mass media (or vice versa) can be placed here. This section emphasizes the scope of anime fandom and just how important a resource it can be to the media. It also dispels some stereotypes of anime fandom that exist. Introduction and Background of the Topic - Whatever the specific topic is (event, awareness, promotion, etc.), it is necessary to provide the media source with information detailing its background. If the topic has a history, then an overview of its history is prudent. If the topic has had previous effects on anime, anime fandom, and the media, then it can also be presented here. Detailed Topic Description - The true focal point of the press kit. All the in-depth, detailed information will be here. If the topic is an event, its features, programming and overall description will be here. If the topic is an anime, then its length, production details, past and current impacts on anime and anime fandom, etc., will be here. This is the section that a media source will refer to when needing information about the topic itself. Major supporting information, such as quotes or direct media references, also belong here. Conclusion and General Request - As in an essay, a brief summary and conclusion to the whole press kit. This is also the section in which a direct request to the media source is made for their help, whether it be to write an article, to receive information, or simply to improve awareness. The reasoning behind the request can be made here, using the press kit as evidence and as the information package it is intended to be. Resources - Since the purpose of the press kit is not only to act as a resource, but to act as a pointer to other resources, a short list should be included. It is important that the resources mentioned in the list be respected, relatively high-profile examples, such as published books or popular magazines. Web sites should also be included, but must be mentioned for the information they offer as well as their artistic merit (if necessary). Finally, if the author organization has its own web site, address, phone number, etc., it should also be included here. Needless to say, the material in the mentioned resources should be compatible with the information presented in the press kit. Letter of Intent - Not physically part of the press kit, but very important nonetheless. A letter of intent should be sent to each media resource. This letter is personalized and addressed specifically to the media source (ideally to a specific person), outlining the purpose of the package and what to do with it. This letter should be very formal and printed on organization letterhead if available; this will grab the attention of the media source by addressing him/her directly, and the source (company) itself.
SummaryThe components of an anime press kit as listed above serve as a rough guide to planning the structure of a new kit. It has been determined that these components should be mentioned in one emphasis or another, in order to present as many aspects of anime as possible while still allowing for a focus on a specific topic. In this way, the media source can be informed of the true scope of anime fandom while still being presented with the focus of the press kit as the major component. Thus, the media source can avoid many of the misconceptions it may tend to write. |
![]() More Information Prev: Press Kit Concepts Next: Common Themes and Points of Emphasis
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