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The Miyazaki Mailing List

Mail Archive: Browse & Search

|| last year - this moment | 1991 - last month | About the ML | MML Traffic ||


LISTSERV server archive (last year - this moment)

LISTSERV at Brown University, our mailing list server, is maintaining an online archive. It covers all messages since 1999 and is the most up-to-date as all new messages are automatically archived by LISTSERV.

March 2004:
Due to security concerns, a password is now required for access to the archives maintained by the LISTSERV mailing list server. This means that Nausicaa.net can no longer provide you with a convenient search form here; you must use the list server's web pages directly. Links to those web pages are provided below.

Please follow the instructions given when you see the "Login required" page. When asked for your e-mail address, use the e-mail address that you subscribed with. No other e-mail address will give you access to the list archives. If you are not subscribed, you will not be able to access the archives, even if you have a LISTSERV password.


Fukumoto archive (1991 - last month)

Atsushi FUKUMOTO is kindly maintaining an archive of the mailing list, that covers messages from the first day (April 11) of the list in 1991 up to the last month's messages. The archive is located in Japan, and it requires some time to scan through all posts, so please be patient when you do a search, and avoid searching for very common words.


Information about the Mailing List

Please visit our Miyazaki Mailing List page. Our mailing list FAQ can answer a lot of questions, like


MML Traffic

For a weekly summary of the activity on the Miyazaki Mailing List please visit the MML Traffic page maintained by Lawrence Lin.

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