[Nausicaa.Net] The Hayao Miyazaki Web

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About The Miyazaki Mailing List (NAUSICAA)

A brief FAQ.

A more detailed description of how to use the mailing list.

What is this Miyazaki ML / NAUSICAA ML?

This mailing list (ML) has different names, such as "Hayao Miyazaki Discussion Group", "Miyazaki mailing list", or "Nausicaa mailing list", but they all refer to this one mailing list devoted to MIYAZAKI Hayao (in Japanese, the family name is listed before a person's given name -- the opposite of European / Western custom).

So who is Miyazaki?

Glad you asked! You can visit the Miyazaki Home Page to find out more about this director and his films, as well as those of his colleague and studio.

Why is "Nausicaa" / "Nausicaä" in the name?

Nausicaa@listserv.brown.edu is the e-mail address used to send messages among subscribers of the mailing list, which is based on the name of the principal character in Miyazaki's long-running manga Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind.

What's with "a" vs. "ä"?

The "ä" (a-umlaut) in Nausicaä comes from the Anglicized version of the name of a character from the Greek classic, Homer's Odyssey. Miyazaki was inspired to write a story about a princess in a far future setting, based on that one from the past.

Unfortunately, it is difficult to type a "ä" character on some computer systems and it often can't be transmitted properly over e-mail, so a normal "a" is often used instead.

How do I pronounce Nausicaä?

Here are some sample phonetic spellings from various languages, all of which appear to be in use, depending on who you talk to:
Na u si ka / Na u shi ka
Nawshika / Nowshikka / Nowsska / Nausea (bad pun)
now SICK ah (the middle syllable is stressed; "now" is closer to "naw", when pronounced as "now", not "gnaw" -- Tyler King)

Why is the list address Nausicaa@... instead of Miyazaki@...?

Probably because at the time the list was created, it was felt that the name of the manga/film was more familiar to people than the name of its writer/director.

What is talked about on the mailing list?

The list involves discussion of subjects related to the anime (Japanese animation) & manga (Japanese comics) of Hayao Miyazaki.
He directed such films as: When talking about Miyazaki, one can't overlook his colleague Isao Takahata, who directed such films as: Other anime which is of a quasi-serious and/or progressive nature is also considered. This includes:

What is NOT talked about on the mailing list?

Please suppress your temptation to wax poetic about other types of anime. The newsgroups named "rec.arts.anime.*" and its e-mail shadow, (anime-l@vtvm1.cc.vt.edu), are the places where general anime discussions should and do take place. For more information about subscribing to ANIME-L and reaching its list owner, please send your question to ANIME-L-request@LISTSERV.VT.EDU.

Other topics which are beyond the scope of this forum include:

If the thread of discussion appears to be becoming heated or otherwise unsuitable for this list, please take it to private e-mail. When in doubt, please volunteer to do so before you receive complaints from other subscribers or a warning from a list owner. Thank you.

Where can I read messages on this list before subscribing? or how can I get "back issues" of messages on this list?

The answer to both of these questions is the same:

How do I subscribe to the list?

Use one of the following methods:

How do I unsubscribe from the list?

Use one of the following methods:

Who runs the list?

Sometimes called List Owners, List Co-Owners, List Administrators, or List Maintainers, the people who handle your subscription requests and general list upkeep are reachable at the address nausicaa-request@listserv.brown.edu.

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